breakfast friday | pumpkin buckwheat bake for two v2.0
A recipe!!!
Pumpkin! Friday!!
If you couldn’t tell I’m a little excited. Excited to be back in the kitchen. Thrilled to crack open my first can of pumpkin. The air has been crisp and chilly in the mornings, sun-kissed in the afternoon, and cool at night. My absolute favorite temperature-time of year.
You know, when you actually
your oven to be running to help heat up your house in the morning.
If you’ve been around here for awhile then you’re definitely familiar with my
. I have an extensive list of oven + microwave versions in all types of flavors.
So while I already have a
and even a
pumpkin buckwheat bake, I am certain there is room for at least one more.
In my opinion it’s the best for two simple reasons—the inclusion of coconut oil + almond meal.
This is really an entirely new creation all thanks to those 2 ingredients and a smidge of maple syrup. Adding them created a surprisingly fluffy and tender texture. There were also a few ingredients I nixed from the original.
It reminded me of a breakfast muffin with the perfect crumb. It wasn’t overly hearty or dense at all. I was actually taken aback with the first bite. I just couldn’t get enough of the soft texture and the pumpkiny goodness that filled each + every forkful.
Almond meal does wonders for gluten-free baking. Fact.
This is a healthy, everyday type breakfast that is just mildly sweet. If you like, you can top it with a bit more maple syrup or honey. Or, you can leave it as is and top with a scoop of your favorite nut butter. Or, both. It’s up to you.
While you are probably well aware of my daily waffle obsession, I think we have a new contender on our hands.
And, this recipe makes 2 day’s worth of breakfasts! Just cool + wrap the extra and store in the fridge. Or, you can share the 2nd with your some well-deserving person you know. Choose wisely.
Pumpkin Buckwheat Bake for Two
gluten-free, dairy-free // yields 2 servings
- 1/2 cup raw/light buckwheat flour
- 1/4 cup almond meal
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 1/16 teaspoon clove
- 1 large egg
- 6 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
- 1/3 cup pumpkin puree
- 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted + slightly cooled
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- Preheat your oven to 350* F [365-370* around 5,000’ elevation] and grease 2, 4-inch baking dishes.
- Whisk together the buckwheat flour, almond meal, cinnamon, baking powder, ginger, nutmeg, salt, and clove.
- In another bowl whisk the egg, milk, pumpkin, and maple syrup together until fully combined.
- Whisk in the coconut oil and vanilla until combined and pour into the dry ingredients.
- Whisk until just combined. Do not over-mix.
- Pour evenly into the greased baking dishes and bake for 28-33 minutes.
- Test with a toothpick for doneness, then let cool for 5 minutes.
- Loosen edges with a knife and turn out onto a plate. Top with nut butter, maple syrup, coconut butter, etc. and eat. Or, let fully cool, wrap well, and store in the fridge for up to 5 days.
Feel free to use ramekins or even muffin tins but note the bake time will vary. If your pumpkin puree is thin like applesauce decrease milk by 1 tablespoon. Raw buckwheat flour can be ground from raw [not toasted/kasha] groats in your blender until flour-like. Toasted/Kasha buckwheat groats will work but the flavor will be much stronger. Almond flour can be used instead of almond meal. Sub 1 1/2 - 2 teaspoons pumpkin spice instead of specified spices if needed. If you want a more typical muffin-like sweetness add another tablespoon of maple syrup to the wet.
One of my favorite ways to reheat bakes like these are to slice it in two flat rounds, heat a skillet with a little coconut oil, and cook each side until toasty + warm. Oh so good.
So, yeah. It’s time to get your pumpkin on.
It’s also time to check out a giveaway for my cookbook over at Goodreads! If you’re on Goodreads come find me!
Goodreads Book Giveaway

Baked Doughnuts For Everyone
by Ashley McLaughlin
Giveaway ends September 30, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Giveaway ends 9/30!
Happy Friday, friends. Make it a good one.